
” I love Hubbali β€œ

Simple and nice place for doing some serious work. Cozy design. Good and friendly staff. Internet Good. Good ambience. Feeling comfort here. I love legian hub coworking space 😚

Mey – LG Bali

” Very Friendly Price β€œ

Its a real gem for those who are searching for a place to work remotely. Wide tables, comfy chairs, stable and, what is super important for Bali, high speed wifi. Other benefits are free tea/coffe (but only one), lunch menu (credit cards also accepted), super friendly stuff, 24/7. So if you work by PST time – no problem,

Π”Π°Ρ€ΡŒΡ ВарасСвич – Russia

” Amazing β€œ

Amazing coworking spot. Amazing service and food. Internet is fast and stable and the outdoor pool is great for taking a break every once in a while.

Michael Wallbaum – Coworker

” Friendly helpful staff β€œ

No problems with internet can upload to my FTP without issues which can be quite rear, a good cafe, coffee is a 10 in my books as a self proclaimed coffee snob. So if youre looking for somewhere a bit more professional, but still has a social vibe. I would recommend this be your first stop. Also a super easy walk from Seminyak if you can be bothered.

Amiee Shand – Coworker